Consistency: steadfast adherence to the same principles, course, form, agreement, harmony or compatibility.
Moment of truth:
Being consistent is by far one of my most challenging struggles! I’ve gone through moments where I’ve made up my mind to accomplish all the goals that I’ve written down in my journal or placed in my phone. Whether it’s the goal that I set a week ago, a couple of months ago, or a few years ago, I get in a zone and I’m on track to hit the mark!
Suddenly, life happens. A week goes by…
A month…
A year is almost ending!
Here I am, looking crazy and disappointed because I’m not reaching my goals. What happened?
Why can’t I keep it up?
Why can’t I be consistent?
The answer to my own questions: I let laziness creep in.
Truth be told, I’m extremely hard on myself. That is part of the problem, but I also realize that I’m inconsistent and stopped doing the necessary things that typically keep me on track. I push things aside, procrastinate, have bad days, and let that acquired attitude drag through the entire week. Better yet, I let Monday Blues carry throughout the entire week!
I know I’m not the only one!
Laziness is a HUGE creeper that, if you let in, will find comfort and stay until you kick it out. It’s dangerous!
As my to-do list grows longer and longer, my desire to accomplish them weakens because I let laziness come in and take control.
I’m always waiting for the PERFECT time! The PERFECT time to write. The PERFECT outfit to hit the gym in.
A PERFECT picture to post.
Well, today was the last day! I woke up this morning with new mercies and grace that awaits me every time I’m able to open my eyes!
You know what? If I continue to wait on the PERFECT time for everything, my life will flash before my eyes. No, I’m not perfect, nor will I ever be. Concurrently, I’m committed to making small changes that will impact my daily life.
I must be consistent!
One of my goals for the next 30 days is to read a great book, positively affirm myself, work out, and make up the bed. (Yes, make up the bed! It seems so small, but when I make up my bed, I tend to start cleaning everything else.)
If you have any tips on how I can successfully conquer consistency, please share below!
Rhonda says
What I did when I first started my weight loss journey. I thought, ponder about how to do, when to do it. I know I am not a gym person, absolutely hate the gym.
My initial goal was to be consistent in my routine, so I named the gym my part time job and I have learned if you disassociate the name of something you don’t like to a name that you can use, it works.